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We also conduct research on a variety of other topics, including employees’ use of communication technologies, employee well-being, employee counterproductive workplace behaviors, and the implications of different HR policies.
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Diverse perspectives on interdisciplinarity from Members of the College of the Royal Society of Canada
Cooke, S. J., Nguyen, V. M., Anastakis, D., Scott, S. D., Turetsky, M. R., Amirfazli, A., Hearn, A., Milton, C. E., Loewen, L., Smith, E. E., Norris, D. R., Lavoie, K. L., Aiken, A., Ansari, D., Antle, A. N., Babel, M., Bailey, J., Bernstein, D. M., Birnbaum, R., ... Woolford, A.
Academic Publications

Strategic value alignment for information security management: A critical success factor analysis
Tu, C. Z., Yufei, Y., Archer, N., & Connelly, C. E.
Academic Publications

e-HRM systems in support of “smart” workforce management: An exploratory case study of system success
McDonald, K., Fisher, S., & Connelly, C. E.
Academic Publications

Effects of team emotional authenticity on virtual team performance
Connelly, C. E. & Turel, O.
Academic Publications

I’m too good for this job: Narcissism’s role in the experience of overqualification
Maynard, D. C., Brondolo, E. M., Connelly, C. E., & Sauer, C. E.
Academic Publications

Green with envy and nerves of steel: Moderated mediation between distributive justice and theft
Wilkin, C. L., & Connelly, C. E.
Academic Publications

Dollars and sense: The financial impact of Canadian wellness initiatives
Wilkin, C. L., & Connelly, C. E.
Academic Publications

Service with an e-smile: Employee authenticity and customer use of web-based support services
Turel, O., & Connelly, C. E., & Fisk, G. M.
Academic Publications

Too busy to help: Antecedents and outcomes of interactional justice in web-based service encounters
Turel, O., & Connelly, C. E.
Academic Publications

The influence of emergent expertise on group decision processes
Tajeddin, G., Safayeni, F., Connelly, C. E., & Tasa, K.
Academic Publications

Do I look like someone who cares? Recruiters’ ratings of applicants’ paid and volunteer experience
Wilkin, C. L., & Connelly, C. E.
Academic Publications

Team spirit: The influence of psychological collectivism on the usage of e-collaboration tools
Turel, O., & Connelly, C. E.
Academic Publications

Understanding nonmalicious security violations in the workplace: A composite behavior model
Guo, K. H., Yuan, Y., Archer, N. P., & Connelly, C. E.
Academic Publications

Making “the list”: Business school rankings and the commodification of business research
Connelly, C. E., & Gallagher, D. G.
Academic Publications

Identifying the ideal fit between mobile work and mobile work support
Yuan, Y., Archer, N., Connelly, C. E., & Zheng, W.
Academic Publications

Hofstede’s Dimensions of National Culture in IS Research
Ford, D. P., Connelly, C. E., & Meister, D. B.
Academic Publications

In justice we trust: Predicting user acceptance of e-customer services
Turel, O., Yuan, Y., & Connelly, C. E.
Academic Publications

Workplace aggression in teenage part-time employees
Dupré, K.E., Inness, M., Connelly, C.E., Barling, J., & Hoption, C.
Academic Publications

Information systems research and Hofstede’s Culture’s Consequences: An uneasy and incomplete partnership
Ford, D. P., Connelly, C. E., & Meister, D. B.
Academic Publications