Temporary and Gig Workers
The increased use of contingent (i.e., non-permanent) employment arrangements is transforming Canadian workplaces. Tasks that might have been given to permanent employees in the past are increasingly being given to workers hired on a temporary basis and to independent contractors or “gig” workers. We study how individuals adapt to contingent work arrangements, and the true organizational costs of hiring different types of contingent workers, including through Canada's Temporary Foreign Worker Program.
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Not a good fit? The roles of aesthetic labour, gender, race, Indigeneity, and citizenship in food service employment
Stevens, A. & Connelly, C. E.
Academic Publications

NOW AVAILABLE: Enduring Work: Experiences with Canada’s Temporary Foreign Worker Program
Connelly, C. E.
Academic Publications

Working in the digitized economy: HRM theory & practice
Connelly, C. E., Fieseler, C., Černe, M., Giessner, S. R., & Wong, S. I
Academic Publications

How do we feel and behave when we’re not permanent full-time employees? The case of the diverse forms of non-standard work
Bernhard-Oettel, C., De Cuyper, N., Murphy, M., & Connelly, C. E.
Academic Publications

Lower cost or just lower value? Modeling the organizational costs and benefits of contingent work
Fisher, S. L. & Connelly, C. E.
Academic Publications

The potential “spillover” of temporary agency work
Connelly, C. E., Gallagher, D. G., & Wilkin, C. L.
Academic Publications

Rethinking the employee-organization relationship: Insights from the experiences of contingent workers.
Gallagher, D.G., & Connelly, C.E.
Academic Publications

Understanding underemployment among contingent workers
Connelly, C. E., Wilkin, C. L., & Gallagher, D. G.
Academic Publications

Predicting temporary agency workers’ behaviors: Justice, volition, and spillover
Connelly, C. E., Gallagher, D. G., & Webster, J.
Academic Publications

Nonstandard work arrangements: Meaning, evidence, and theoretical perspectives
Gallagher, D. G., & Connelly, C. E.
Academic Publications

Organizational and client commitment among contracted employees: A replication and extension with temporary workers
Connelly, C. E., Gallagher, D. G., & Gilley, K. M.
Academic Publications

Independent and dependent contracting: Meaning and implications
Connelly, C. E., & Gallagher, D. G.
Academic Publications

Temporary workers, permanent consequences: Behavioral implications of the triangular employment relationship
Connelly, C.E.
Academic Publications

Managing contingent workers: Adapting to new realities
Connelly, C. E., & Gallagher, D. G.
Academic Publications

Emerging trends in contingent work research
Connelly, C. E., & Gallagher, D. G.
Academic Publications

Contingent employment arrangements: Implications for human service work
Gallagher, D. G., & Connelly, C. E.
Academic Publications